Sunday, November 18, 2007

A wiki to the rescue?

At our library we just sponsored our second (annual?) event where we recognize and thank all the people and organizations that make our community a great place to live. This year finding the best times when most of the planning committee could meet seemed to be especially challenging. I'm thinking that using a wiki might help! Ideas could be added to the wiki, people could suggest "tweaks" to those ideas, and for those members who are unable to attend a particular meeting there would be an interactive place to still add input and see what was accomplished at the meeting.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Editing my edit!

O.k. so I was bragging to one of my kids about editing Wikipedia, and she informs me that links within a Wikipedia article are only supposed to link to another Wikipedia article. Oops! Back to the drawing board, and another edit. Well now, who's going to start that entry for our library???

Wikipedia edit

I checked out my community on Wikipedia and although our library had a link in the list at the end of the article, in the "Social" paragraph it was only mentioned as "a library." After many, many previews of my "edits" I took the plunge and saved my first contribution to Wikipedia! I added a link to our website and our proper name in place of the "a library" as well as adding the details of "conveniently located downtown and offers adult and children's programs." Check it out here!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bundles of tags

I picked three interests and made three bundles of tags: Tea Time, Orchids, and Terrariums. They are all pretty new interests I've acquired and I'm a definite newbie in all three areas, but I like the idea of keeping websites that I find helpful and encouraging in tagged bundles for easy referral. Here's they are:

Friday, November 9, 2007

Yeh Tags!

I like the idea of social bookmarking. I think it is a great way for people in general, to label sites in meaningful ways, and a great way for libraries in particular to then collect those websites with tags and share them with their patrons through I like the differnt way the tags were bundled by the various libraries. I think I like the alphabetical by topic style the best. On the webpage for teens, the use of the tag cloud was very cool!