Monday, March 17, 2008


I added one of my fav "green" shopping outlets to our PP map, at least I think I did; it's not showing up yet. It is interesting viewing all the great combos people have mashed together. Here is an idea for our library website which could be located with our catalog and interlibrary loan info. "Looking for an item that's not in our catalog, or that's checked out already and you need it today? Check out these other area businesses!" The mashup could combine a city map with pushpins for local new and used bookstores and video stores, like our PP type of mashup.


Unknown said...

That's a cool idea, Maria!
What good customer service -- we don't have what you need, so here's some places you can go to get it!

Miscellaneous Librarian said...

Mary, this is a "scathingly brilliant" idea! -- Kathy

Jill said...

Cool idea! Could we add "public fax machines and color copiers" to your list since we've had some unhappy patrons lately?!