Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Google Docs

What a great tool to use for collaborating with other people AND collaborating with yourself, i.e. working on "work" at home. I published the "winter" picture below from Google Docs to my blog, but the document I designed got pretty goofed up when I tried to put it into the little blog space. So I deleted that "publication." I asked my two National Honor Society volunteers today if they were familiar with Google Docs and one said it might be what the "yearbook staff" uses so that they can work together on some files, but she wasn't sure of the name. I think it is interesting to see who is aware of this tool and currently using it.


Stef Morrill said...

A couple of people have said that they talked to students about Google Docs, and they didn't know about it.
Somehow, this really surprises me! I always assume that they are learning more about these tools in school than they probably are!!

It is a great way to keep documents in one place and have access from anywhere.

Jill said...

Extremely cool winter pic, M!